Will The Ice In North Pole be Lost ?

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Arctic sea ice since twenty years ago, in 1988 had an average thickness of more than 3 meters, with 50 percent of the ice is very hard and are over millions of years ago.

But in September 2007, the Center for Snow and Ice Data AS (NSIDC) shows that the vast layer of ice at the North Pole is at the lowest point in history, ice is melting more than 40 percent on average, while temperatures in Alaska and the eternal ice in some areas of Canada rose more than 2 ° C compared with the previous average. If this trend continues then the land of eternal ice at the North Pole ice is predicted to lose between the years 2008 to 2012.

Rapid melting in the summer of 2007 has made the North Pole becomes an island separated from the mainland. In fact, the area known as the land of ice which always connects Europe and Asia since the observations were made in 1978. The second gap northwestern Canada and northeastern Russia gap has melted. Now a ship can travel around the Arctic ice for the first time.

Beginning in September 2008, the ice in the Arctic back in the second lowest point in history. Approximately 70 percent of the ice in the form of new ice formed in the winter of the previous year and only 1 meter thick. Last satellite data shows that the current ice surface has decreased to 5.26 million square kilometers. The rate of melting is happening right now is too fast.

In addition, according to reports the National Climate Data Center NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), in January 2008 was recorded as the most snowy month of January in Asia. However, in March 2008 was recorded as the hottest month in the history of the world, the temperature reached 1.8 degrees higher than the average temperature throughout the 20th century. Snow is formed in the winter of last year quickly eroded by mencegangkan.

The Antarctic Peninsula is also facing the highest temperature rise than other areas in the South Pole. In the last 50 years, the average temperature in the region rose 2.5 ° C. As a result, seven ice shelf broke in the region during the last 20 years. In addition, there are some broken ice benting in the year 2008, and the number of pieces that are always breaking records from previous years. Throughout the last two years, the Arctic region in the Arctic ice lost an area twice the French territory or ten times the size of Java Island.

Shattered Wilkins ice shelf

On April 28, 2009, the European Space Agency (EPA) has announced that a large ice shelf has been separated from the Arctic Peninsula and is now breaking his own. With the bridge connecting the Wilkins Ice Shoal with Peninsula who have been destroyed on 5 April, the researchers say that this incident shows the polar disaster
2nd worst in decades. David Vaughan of British Antarctic Survey says, "There's a big change from the results of atmospheric warming in the Antarctic Peninsula region which has become the fastest in the Southern Hemisphere."

Wordie ice shelf in Antarctica Disappeared

On April 2, 2009, Shoal Wordie Ice disappeared. Citing climate change as a cause, the U.S. Geological Survey and the British Antarctic Survey has reported that the Wordie Ice Shoal, which was destroyed in the 1960s is now gone along with the northern part of the Larsen Ice Shoal. European Space Agen also announced that the ice bridge connecting the Wilkins Ice Shoal is almost a separate land.

Geologist U.S. Geological Society, Jane Ferrigno who leads research on Shoal Wordie and Larsen said, "Antarctica is very special because there saving approximately 91 percent of the amount of ice on Earth, and any changes in the layer of ice that has a significant danger to society.

Arctic Sea Ice Gone Faster than Previously Estimated

Scientists from the Center for Ice and Snow Data AS (NSIDC) has found that Arctic sea ice has melted in the same place in June last year, although this year begins with more due to winter ice cooler. Dr.. Ian Willis from the Scott Polar Research Institute in Cambridge, England said, "the character of the polar ice reflector is higher than sea water, so when the ice melts, the water will absorb more solar energy, which in turn will further warm the atmosphere."

Arctic Ice Melt has Affecting the Eternal Ice

Researchers from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and Ice Data Center and the National Snow (NSIDC), in Colorado, the U.S. has found a connection between the melted ice quickly with perennial ice temperature is increased. During the autumn of 2007, Arctic ice melted more than 30 percent than the average, while temperatures in the region of eternal ice in Alaska and parts of Canada rose more than 2 degrees Celsius compared with the previous average. If these trends continue then the land of eternal ice will melt and unstable. This can lead to the possibility of the release of billions of metric tons of carbon gases and methane gases which are potentially to extinction in the environment and its inhabitants are difficult to predict by anyone.

Shoal South Pole Ice To Break

Wilkins ice shelf, on the southern South America in less remote Antarctic Peninsula. An area of 160 km ² broke out on 30-31 May 2008. This ice shelf connecting the island of Charcot and Latady Island. In February, the slab of ice is 6 km. After the incident in May, it dropped to 2.7 km. Dr.. Matthias Braun from the Center for Land Surface Monitoring Remote Germany at the University of Bonn and Dr. Angelika Humbert from the Institute of Geophysics, Münster University, said: "The slab is still there in berkepingan arch tersempitnya position, it is possible that the relationship will break completely in the next few days."

Large cracks in Ward Hunt Ice Shoal Gives Death Signals

As one of the five shelf ice that still exist in Canada, Shoal Ward Hunt Ice 3000-year-old and 40 meters thick in the area of 443 km ² is shrinking rapidly. Earlier this year, Derek Mueller of Trent University and Doug Stern, explorers Park Canada, conducted a survey area and found that there were many cracks in the ice shelf and a crack measuring 10 kilometers by 40 meters. According to Mueller, the ice shelf is not filled in again by the glaze and the cracks are permanent. He added that these findings suggest climate change has passed a certain threshold.

Korean researchers report in the South Pole

King Sejong Station is the observation that the climate in western South Pole for two decades has been monitoring changes in environmental patterns in the South Pole. With 11 facilities and 2 observatoriumnya located in King George Island in the Barton Peninsula in the western part of the South Pole, Korean scientists brought dozens each year. With the arrival of summer in the near future, they, like most other research stations in the area, continue to include the most recent information.

According to our observation, the small Gulf ice wall near Marian our stations have retreated more than 1 km during the last 50 years. Researchers have been there for 3 months to see for himself that during that period, the ice retreated a few meters. If you come here, you may feel that climate change is very serious than before. To delay the rate of global warming as much as possible, the industry needs to get away from fossil fuel consumption and lifestyle patterns have changed. Barton Peninsula is relatively cool, where the King Sejong Station is located, usually attract a number of species, and therefore there are many biologists who come to learn. However, this year scientists will digusarkan animal population there. In addition, the amount of plankton has declined sharply when you see animals such as penguins or seals, they are hard to find compared to last year. In this year alone, the ice wall here has collapsed 50 meters from a year ago. When you look at it, it will make you think. Too much ice that fell today. If we look at photographs from the air 10 years ago, the ice right in front of our station, but he was very far from us now, this means that there are walls of ice that had collapsed.

Tujuh Motivasi gerakan pelestarian lingkungan.

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1. Manusia memiliki ikatan dengan alam yang sifatnya religius
Artinya manusia harus mensyukuri segala sesuatu yang dihasilkan oleh lingkungan untuk menunjang kehidupannya dengan cara melindungi, melestarikan dan menjaga alam tersebut agar, agar hubungan alam dan manusia dapat berjalan dengan sebagaimana mestinya.
2. Ada motifasi etis yang berdasar rasa estetika
Alam dapat dijadikan sebagai ispirator dan sumber keindahan yang dapat membuat kehidupan menjadi lebih bermakna.
3. Alam merupakan syariat bagi manusia dalam bertahan terhadap berbagai bencana
Alam adalah rumah tempat tinggal makhluk hidup, disana pula manusia berlindung dari segala ancaman dan bencana, dan apabila alam tidak dijaga maka makhluk hidup tidak dapat menghindar dari bencana.
4. Alam menghidupi manusia
Artinya alam menyediakan segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan manusia agar dapat tetap bertahan hidup berupa sumber daya alam. Ada saatnya jika eksploitasa sumber daya alam secara berlebihan akan menyebabkan sumber daya tersebut habis. Maka gunakanlah sumber daya alam seperlunya.
5. Alam menjadi sumber material genetic.
Keanekaragaman flora maupun fauna di bumi ini sangat bervariasi jenisnya. Maka tugas manusia untuk menjaga keanekaragaman tersebut dengan cara tidak memburu binatang yang tingkat regenerasinya rendah, kalau perlu dibuatkan suatu penangkaran khusus untuk melestarikannya.
6. Alam penting bagi IPTEK, pendidikan dan pengajaran.
Kemajuan teknologi saat ini tidak lepas dari alam. Setiap komponen kemajuan dipengaruhi oleh alam. Apabila alam sudah tidak dapat menyediakan sumber daya alam, bukan tidak mungkin jika kedepannya manusia akan mengalami kemunduran kualitas hidup.
7. Alam manjadi sumber kesehatan, rekreasi dan kesenian
Dalam hal ini manusia seluruh aktifitas hidupnya selalu memerlukan peranan dari alam.
Dengan adanya motivasi tersebut. Maka sudah saatnya untuk anda agar mengubah sikap anda untuk mencintai, melestarikan, dan menjaga alam tempat tinggal kita ini.

Sumber : Bio Lingkungan Kelas XI

Etika Lingkungan

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Etika lingkunagn adalah dapat diartikan sebagai kebijakan manusia dalam bergaul dengan lingkungan.
Prinsip :

1) manusia bukan sumber dari segala nilai, oleh sebab itu manusia harus memperhatikan dampak terhadap lingkungan
2) lingkungan tidak diperuntukkan untuk manusia saja, melainkan untuk semu organisme yang hidup di dalamnya
3) sumber daya alam yang tersedia terbatas, oleh karena itu harus dijaga kelestariannya
4) eksploitasi sumber daya alam harus dibawah kemampuan daya regenerasinya.
5) Untuk mencegah kerusakan lingkungan, dibuat undang-undang, semisal UU No. 4 Tahun 1997 tentang ketentuan pokok pengelolaan lingkungan hidup; UU No. 5 tahun 1990 tentang konserfasi Sumber Daya Alam dan Ekosistem.
Etika terhadap lingkungan diantarannya sebagai berikut :
1) Etika pengembangan
Didasarkan pada individu atau manusia karena lebih mampu mengatur dan mengelola SDA agar memberi keuntungan.
2) Etika Pemeliharaan
Didasarkan pada alam, alam memiliki banyak nilai meliput keindahan, menyegarkan, memberi ketenangan, dan rekreasi maka lingkungan perlu dipelihara.
3) Etika Pelestarian
Merupakan keseimbangan antara etika pengembangan dan etika pemeliharaan. Tujuan dari etika ini adalah untuk mnciptakan kehidupan bersama di dunia secara total dan tidak terbatas.

Sumber : Bio Lingkungan Kelas XI

Definisi Lingkungan Hidup

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Selama ini, hidup manusia, hewan maupun tumbuhan sangat bergantung dari lingkungan. Mereka saling berinteraksi dengan lingkungan dengan tujuan untuk mempertahankan aktifitas hidup. Namun tahukah anda apa itu lingkungan ? lingkungan adalah suatu kawasan atau daerah, dimana didalamnya terdiri dari golongan-golongan yang terdiri atas manusia, hewan, tumbuhan dan pengurai yang saling berinteraksi – dimana makhluk hidup tersebut melakukan aktifitas yang menunjang kehidupannya.
Dasar pengembangan lingkungan hidup adalah UU No. 23 Tahun 1997 tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Menurut UU No. 23 Tahun 1997 tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, Lingkunagn hidup adalah kesatuan dengan semua benda, daya, keadaan dan seluruh makhluk hidup, termasuk manusia dan perilakunya yang mempengaruhi kelangsungan peri kehidupan dan kesejahteraan manusia serta makhluk hidup lain.

Norma-Norma yang berlaku dalam lingkungan hidup
Norma lingkungan hidup berarti, seluruh kaidah atau aturan atau ukuran untuk menentukan sesuatu terhadap lingkungan hidup dengan tujuan agar hubungan manusia dengan lingkungan berjalan dengan normal tidak ada kelainan dan gangguan yang merugikan manusia.
Norma social adalah aturan yang tidak tertulis yang berlaku di masyarakat. Sanksinya berupa sanksi social. Contoh norma sosial :
a) Cara (usage)
b) Kebiasaan (Volkways)
c) Tingkah laku (Mores)
d) Adat istiadat (Custom)
Selain dari norma sosial, lingkungan juga dapat kita jaga melalui keercayaan mistis/tradisi masyarakat setempat. Misalnya, pada daerah pedalaman, dimana didalamnya mempunyai larangan untuk tidak menebang Pohon dan hewan tertentu karena dianggap suci atau keramat. Meskipun sedikit tidak rasional, tapi hal tersebut dapat membantu terjaganya Flora dn Fauna diwilayah tersebut.
Setelah norma sosial, ada juga norma hukum yang berhubungan lingkungan hidup. Misalnya :
a) UU No. 23 Tahun 1997 tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
b) UU No. 23 Tahun 1997 pasal 5 – 8, yaitu semua orang berhak memiliki lingkungan hidup yang sehat.

Sumber : Bio Lingkungan Kelas XI